Imagination Trumps Knowledge! 

MY PortFolio
Featured Project

MY PortFolio

A responsive portfolio website using Next.js, Tailwind, and Framer-motion. Achieved lightning-fast load times and operates with highly responsive functionality.

Apple Vision Pro clone
Featured Project

Apple Vision Pro clone

Apple Vision Pro page using various technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, GSAP, ScrollTrigger, Locomotive, and Canvas. The scrolling animation, created using these technologies is quite stunning.

Featured Project


A Netflix-like Web App with the power of AI built with React.js, Redux Toolkit, and Tailwind CSS. Integrated with TMDB API and OpenAI GPT API for Top 5 Movie Suggestions based on Genre. Includes Multi-lingual Features.

Featured Project


Vsured streamlines visitor access for large communities and organizations, from properties to events. It enables secure sharing of access codes and barcodes, enhancing security and access management in diverse settings.